Jsshome course test, a profession with a future!

JSSHOME course test
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Program JSS Homestudie
Course content
JSSHOME course test
Competences and skills
JSSHOME course test
Opportunities for the future
JSSHOME course test

Starting dates group course JSS Homestudie

Study method:

At home


Wherever you want

First lesson:

Whenever you want

Last lesson:

Your own choice


Your own schedule


Practical info

Study trajectory

Financial info

Pay for your JSS Homestudie course in 8 parts

Would you like to spread the cost over the duration of your study period? That's possible through the payment schedule below!

€306 When subscribing
€141.48 Within 1 month after registration
€141.42 Within 2 months after registration
€141.42 Within 3 months after registration
€141.42 Within 4 months after registration
€141.42 Within 5 months after registration
€141.42 Within 6 months after registration
€141.42 Within 7 months after registration

If you choose to pay in 8 installments, an 8% surcharge will be applied. For this course, you will then pay €1296 instead of €1200. So, you save €96 when you pay the full amount at once.

(Choose installment payments in step 3)

Nice to know about your education JSS Homestudie

That's why you choose Център за международно дистанционно обучение
Центърът за Междунароно Дистанционно Обучение е част холанския Център за обучение Ondernemersschool BV - един от водещите в Европа. Благодарение на дългогодишния ни опит нашето училище успя да изгради широка и разнообразна гама от дистанционни курсове, напълно подходящи за пазара на труда. Избирайки Център за международно дистнционно обучение, Вие избирате гъвкав начин за обучение, по време на които ще бъдете лично светвани и мотивирани от опитни преподаватели.
Училището е признато на международно ниво от различни професионални асоциации като Федерацията по Уелнес, Центъра за професионална квалификация и е регистрирано в Central Register for Short Professional Education (CRKBO). Освен това Центърът за Междунароно Дистанционно обучение отговаря на стриктните изисквания за качество на ISO 9001:2015.
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Recent blogs


Tony S.
Tony S.

The teacher is very involved with his subject and his students. We learned what is really necessary on the job.

Bruce B.
Bruce B.

Was always welcomed in a very friendly manner. Always received a clear explanation when I needed more info.

Peter P.
Peter P.

Already proved to be very useful to grow professionally.

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